sBesides the increase in MAT, SMEs are apparently optimistic about the 2010-11 budget announced by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee.Probably, praised both Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and industry in India is the ideal budget to help the larger scale height of the country but even for SMEs were published in the open bidding initiatives. Without doubt, increased the alternative minimum tax (MAT) with 3 percent, 15 percent of it touched 18 percent, however, that the EU budget, which usually gives small and medium enterprises in a cheerful mood.

According to one industry analyst, the budget seems to inspire both the Indian industry and SMEs both. The best is a reduction of tax records to help companies save money, which in turn can be reinvested in their businesses.Increase in taxable income in the budget, tax rate for income Rs.5-8 is 20 percent and revenue through the RS. 8 lakhs to 30 percent, would particularly benefit small business entrepreneurs, as it would strengthen its capital base with a substantial tax savings.

Moreover, the finance minister also announced an expansion of the existing subsidy of 2 percent over a year, covering areas such as handicrafts, carpets, textiles and SMEs. This could enhance growth in the SME sector.Furthermore, small and medium enterprises benefit from a banking license is proposed for the Association of Banks in India 'and non-financial institutions, as this will help to ease access to credit for them.

In the case of small and medium businesses, the General Budget for 2010-11 has given rise to mixed reactions.The allocation for the sector must be over Rs.1, 794 crore to Rs. 2.400 millioner rupees for the year 2010-11.SMEs and MSMEs that turnover of Rs. 60 lakhs (of this R 40th lakh) is not necessary that the audited accounts, and for professionals in R up. 15 lakhs (of the R 10 lakh) for the profession.To facilitate the conversion of small businesses in the limited company, the transfer of real property not subject to capital gains.

2010 budget down well with SMEs and MSMEs addition to the increase in MAT, SMEs are apparently optimistic about the 2010-11 budget announced by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee. Probably, praised both Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and industry in India is the ideal budget to help the larger scale height of the country but even for SMEs were published in the open bidding initiatives. Without doubt, increased the alternative minimum tax (MAT) with 3 percent, 15 percent of it touched 18 percent, however, that the EU budget, which usually gives small and medium enterprises in a cheerful mood. According to one industry analyst, the budget seems to inspire both the Indian industry and SMEs both. The best is a reduction of tax records to help companies save money, which in turn can be reinvested in their businesses. Increase in taxable income in the budget, tax rate for income Rs.5-8 is 20 percent and revenue through the RS. 8 lakhs to 30 percent, would particularly benefit small business entrepreneurs, as it would strengthen its capital base with a substantial tax savings. Moreover, the finance minister also announced an expansion of the existing subsidy of 2 percent over a year, covering areas such as handicrafts, carpets, textiles and SMEs. This could enhance growth in the SME sector. Furthermore, small and medium enterprises benefit from a banking license is proposed for the Association of Banks in India 'and non-financial institutions, as this will help to ease access to credit for them. In the case of small and medium businesses, the General Budget for 2010-11 has given rise to mixed reactions. The allocation for the sector must be over Rs.1, 794 crore to Rs. 2.400 millioner rupees for the year 2010-11. SMEs and MSMEs that turnover of Rs. 60 lakhs (of this R 40th lakh) is not necessary that the audited accounts, and for professionals in R up. 15 lakhs (of the R 10 lakh) for the profession. To facilitate the conversion of small businesses in the limited company, the transfer of real property not subject to capital gains. Keywords business, craft in India

According to one industry analyst, the budget seems to inspire both the Indian industry and SMEs both. The best is a reduction of tax records to help companies save money, which in turn can be reinvested in their businesses.Finance (MF) Pranab Mukherjee won no praise for his proposed 2010 budget of micro, small and medium enterprises in the nation, despite the allocation of R-2,400 millioner rupees in the sector in 2010 budget.The MSME sector which provides maximum employment, which employs 60 million people, was hit hard by the global economic slowdown. Given that the sector contributes about 40 percent of total exports from India, it is important to the economy. Micro and small enterprisesemployers wanted the budget to be an entrepreneur-friendly. But the sector seems to be a bit disappointed with the proposals of the FM.

Apart from increasing the allocation to this sector Rs 600 crore, ie Rs 1794 rupees to RS 2.400 millioner rupees for the year 2010-11 the corpus of funds for micro-finance system has increased to rs 400 crore from Rs 200 million rupees.But the industry does not seem satisfied with the mere allocation of funds. Rajeev Karwal, founder of Solutions Milagrow knowledge that reflects the views of MSME sector, says: "In our analysis of the MSME sector is clearly a need for increased support for policies and budgets." Expresses disappointment, he says, "It is a missed opportunity for MSMEs again this year."IT industry is not very happy with the lack of proper care to promote local production of IT hardware and increase domestic consumption of the PC. Mr. Ramesh A Vaswani, Executive Vice President, Intex Technologies (India) Ltd, said: "I feel that the economy of inclusive growth, not only requires input in agriculture and infrastructure development but also in technological skills and infrastructure." Much of India's SMEs are part of the IT industry.

The budget also proposes to extend interest subsidy of 2 percent per year for export covering handicrafts, carpets, textiles and SMEs. Earlier, the government provided interest subsidy of 2 percent in pre-shipment export credit up to 31 March 2010 in some sectors. This movement has done for exporters within the MSME happy.Turnover limit above which accounts for small companies to be audited has been increased to RS 60 lakhs. Currently this amount is RS 40 lakh companies. For practitioners of the current amount of Rs.10 lakh has increased to RS 15 lakhs. Limit movement to suspected taxation of small businesses has been improved to RS 60 lakhs.