Steps to control the SBI clerk exam result result: First you must enter your Roll Number (or) registration number to check whether your name is on the shortlist for interview, and then click Submit, you receive if your name is on the shortlist for interview .
Online application is closed. Due to the overwhelming response, the written exam will be held in six sessions on three Sundays (2 sessions every Sunday), ie, 08a, 15 22 November 2009.
Visit the recruitment section of SBI Bank website for your job, accept the card and download the latest updates and guidance to applicants on the exam:
SBI clerk exam results 2010: Results of SBI office 2010
February 3, 2010 | 55 Comments | Posted in News exams, exam results
SBI clerk exam results 2010 (SBI clerical results 2010): Survey Results 2010 and Secretary of SBI can be found at the link below. The official website details are also listed below.
SBI clerical work for Results 2010: Visit here

UPDATE (March28, 2010): To check the results SBI secretary in November 2010 on the Management Review: Click here
For more information on administrative SBI Results 2010, visit the main website You can also check this blog for more updates and updates on various topics. If you have any questions, please feel free to send off for other visitors to send all the information they have, which may be useful. We hope that the information in this article was useful.
State Bank of India plans to publish results from the hiring of 11,000 employees in March 2010, according to our sources. Approximately 36 applications from interested candidates lakh in these posts, which in itself is a record number. After this was written examinations held on 8 November, 15 and 22 throughout India.
Date of Results: SBI reported the results of written tests for most of the recruitment examinations within 2 months from the date test.So, the results of written examination for recruitment of 11,000 employees is also expected during
With the recruitment of around 11,000 jobs in, SBI CLERICAL ERROR Employment 2009, SBI Bank Job Apply online, RECRUITMENT OFFICE State Bank of India. Here is the SBI clerk examination test questions ..
Written test pattern for the 2009 SBI clerk jobs
The written test will be of type goal is to
(i) general awareness
(ii) General English
(iii) Quantitative Aptitude
(iv) the ability to reason and
(v) Marketing aptitude /

Computer skills. The questions in these objective tests, with the exception of General English test will be printed in bilingual ie English and Hindi.
There will be no negative marks for incorrect answers on objective tests. 1/4th Marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. Candidates will have to spend in each of the objective tests.
Bank SBI clerk exam previous year question paper answers.
1. Which of the following has been chosen for best parliamentarian of the year Award 2007?
an Munshi) Priya Ranjan Das
b) Mani Shankar Aiyyo
c) P. Chidambaram
d) Sushama Swaraj
2. Fernando Lugo's name was in the news recently, has taken over as chairman of

SBI clerical work test result is available, you can see the result here. Enter your Roll Number to check if your name is on the list of qualified candidates for personal interview.
This is the result of recruitment of employees in State Bank of India Written test held on 6 and 13 July, 2008.
Click here Good luck to all applicants ..
Get tips for interview, Hola Amigos, my friend who is an employee who had SBI interview last year told me that unlike people think that the conversation is not a big problem. Most likely that there will be approximately 15-20 minutes, and the Board will ask only personally, as explained so few ThAtZ all. What matters is that you have to give all the necessary licenses and have preferences for things such as computer experience, etc. and most important strength is the mark obtained in the written exam. This, together with the marks on the conversation, will the final list ..
If you have problems or want to know more information about the revision of the SBI or wish to obtain material for study, office or a conversation, just submit your email here ..
State Bank of India (SBI) is the largest bank in India.

It is also measured by the number of branches and employees, the second largest bank in world.the bank traces its recognition back through the Imperial Bank of India for its founding in 1806 the Bank of Calcutta, and is the oldest commercial bank in the Indian subcontinent. The Indian government nationalized Imperial Bank of India in 1955, with the Reserve Bank of India, with a 60%, and renamed it the State Bank of India. In 2008 the government took over the power sharing of the Reserve Bank of India.
SBI offers a wide range of banking products through its extensive network in India and abroad, including products for NRIs. With an asset base of 126 billion dollars and reach, is a regional banking giant. SBI has emphasized reducing the workforce through systems of large golden parachute and the computerization of its operations.
The State Bank Group with more than 16,000 branches, has the largest branch network in India. It has a market share among commercial banks in India around 20% in deposits and advances, and accounts of SBI for nearly one fifth of the loans in the nation.
You may notice that there are currently no results will be officially issued by the SBI so please do not panic and just check out the official website of the bank to obtain sufficient information. Many sites had posted the rumors about the results of 11,000 secretarial review, which took place in 2009, but all so far proved to be false now. You will be notified on our sites email system if you know the results or just subscribe us by phone to receive the latest updates on the results of SBI on the phone.
Remind your tests were performed on . Sunday Means of months in November 2010, which is November 9, 2009 after 15 November 2009 and November 22, 2009. Let us remind you via our soon Fund SMS and e-mail subscription. For updates on our results for free mobile phone SMS service cost results only SMS: 09870807070 in IMAGINE18 for now. Their freedom to send SMS on this number.
The largest public sector bank State Bank group in India has recently undertaken study for the selection of more than a thousand employees and PO study was conducted in early November, and then after. According to the official website of SBI Clerikal test results are out. 2009 The administrative review results can be viewed and printed for each candidate in the application form and examination number Roll number of the revision in 2009.
But some news from the previous test results were published together with the tests conducted in 2010 also. But, I do not have sufficient information about performance, but, but can be seen on websites.
We must be responsible for saying that now there are no results. For more information, visit and check the Recruitment Section in the sidebar and click it. The results of the examinations secretary in 2009 and 2010, you can visit this site only for future references.