Notifications RRB Chennai recruitment and job offers
Here is another message from Indian Railways to fill some positions. The vacanices in Chennai and Thiruvananthapuram. The notice is expected soon.
Website of RRB Chennai in this case is the advert:
Next job advertisements (No.01/2009) was published on 21 March 2009. There will be more than 1500 vacancies for various positions in the announcement of new jobs.
According to news agency instead of employment here is communication - Railway Recruitment Board, Chennai and Thiruvananthapuram invites applications for more than 1,800 jobs in various disciplines.
Do not check this post for updates and important points in connection with the use of these reviews RRB. Railway Recruitment Board Chennai publish its next Notice of Employment (No.01/2009), 21 March 2009. There will be more than 1500 vacacnies for various positions in the announcement of new jobs. Click here for website
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Job description: Applications in the prescribed format are invited from Indian citizens for recruitment to the vacancy at RRB Ajmer. The request to the Assistant Secretary, Railway Recruitment Board 2010, Nehru Marg, Ambedkar Marg, Ambedkar Circle, Ajmer - 305028 (Rajasthan) may be sent by regular mail. The envelope containing the application should be clearly described super - "Community category N ',' Job Title 'and'. A candidate must submit a single application for a category and post.
The direct recruitment to posts and services in Classes I and II rail via Union Public Service Commission. Positions as assistants, clerks and stenographers in the Ministry of Railways will be filled by staff selection Commission. The recruitment of Class III in the different departments of railways through various competitions conducted by the respective boards of Railway Recruitment.
These rooms are located in 19 major cities. Vacancies are advertised through newspapers and Employment News. The details of some of these posts are given in the table below:
Indian Railways have their own schools and hospitals. BRR also employ teachers, physical trainers, nurses and paramedical staff through written tests. Pay scales are based on the requirement of the posts.
Items for discussion: The written test (Objective type) consists of an article on:
· English
· Arithmetic
· General Knowledge and Intelligence in Hindi / English.
Applicants must have a thorough knowledge of current events and issues of public concern, particularly in relation to India, including Indian Railways. Depending on the number of vacancies, candidates
Note: (i) usually, a written test and interview. However, Railway Recruitment Board, at its discretion, may hold the written test (s), additional and / or interview (s), if necessary, for all or a limited number of candidates deemed suitable.
(ii) Access to the written examination is provisional as the applications are fully below. If a candidate does not meet all the requirements for Employment Communications, her candidacy is likely to be rejected, even at a later date when deficiencies are observed.
(iii) Candidates have the opportunity to respond in English or hindi at the time of interview who meet the criteria are called in order for the interview. The final selection is based on the total score on the written test and interview.
Application to: The Secretary of the Board of Contracts railway question in any of the addresses listed below:
Addresses of Railway Recruitment Boards

1. Railway Recruitment Board 1st Floor B.G. Construction of the railway station, PF-12, Ahmedabad-380002
2. Railway Recruitment Board 2010, Nehru Marg, Ajmer - 305001
3. Railway Recruitment Board DRM Office Annex. Building, Nawab Yusuf Road, Allahabad-211001
4. Railway Recruitment Board D-15, Machn Colony (Near Bus Stop No. 6)
Shivaji Nagar, Bhopal - 462001
5. Railway Recruitment Board 18 Miller Road, Bangalore - 560 046
6. Railway Recruitment Board Orissa Forest Development Corp. Bldg., (IInd Floor), A-84, Kharavela Nagar, Bhubaneshwar - 750001
7. Railway Recruitment Board, Divisional Headquarters compound Mexican, Mexican-400008th
8. Railway Recruitment Board, etc. Building, 4th Floor, 16 Strand Road, Calcutta.
9. Railway Recruitment Board, SC0.78-79, (IInd Floor) Sector 8-C, Chandigarh - 1160018.
10. Railway Recruitment Board, Station Road, Guwahati.
11. Railway Recruitment Board, Gorakhpur - 273012
12. Railway Recruitment Board, Railway Colony (West), Jammu Tawi - 180004.
13. Railway Recruitment Board, Cathedral Road, Madras-600086
14. Railway Recruitment Board, B.G. Road, Mokdumpur, Malda - 732103
15. Railway Recruitment Board, Muzaffarpur.
16. Railway Recruitment Board, Mehendrughat, Patna-800 004
17. Railway Recruitment Board, Ranchi
18. Railway Recruitment Board, IRIS Complex Lallaguda, Secunderabad - 500017.
19. Railway Recruitment Board, Thampanoor, Trivandrum - 695001.

Ajmer RRB Recruitment positions 2010 to 6397 have been announced by the Indian Railways (RRB Ajmer) of Section Engineers, Junior Engineers Depot Meterial Superintendent Grade I and III, Senior P Way Zonal Supervisor different railways and inviting applications for Ajmer RRB Recruitment for fill the requirement in 2010-the deadline is 5/4/2010 to 5:30
The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has invited applications from Indian nationals for the post of Assistant Loco Pilot through centralized placement.
Vacancy No.: 14,079 vacancies available in several BRR.

For RRB Mumbai (WR + CR), total vacancies is 188 +1584 = 1772, while there were 252 vacancies RRB Kolkata, 1234 would be unemployed.
Graduates can apply for BRR following: RRB Ahmedabad, Secunderabad RRB, RRB Chandigarh, RRB Ajmer, etc..
Examination fee for candidates for unreserved and OBC is Rs. 40 / - for posts up Rs stopovers. 3050-4590 and Rs. 60 / - for places to make higher wage scales. Candidates belonging to scheduled castes and tribes and former soldiers are completely exempt from payment of examination fees. Bank DD should be drawn to "The Assistant Secretary, Railway Recruitment Board, Ajmer" payable at "Ajmer"
Applications in the prescribed format are invited from Indian citizens for recruitment to the vacancy at RRB Ajmer. The request to the Assistant Secretary, Railway Recruitment Board 2010, Nehru Marg, Ambedkar Marg, Ambedkar Circle, Ajmer - 305028 (Rajasthan) may be sent by regular mail. The envelope containing the application should be clearly described super - "Community category N ',' Job Title 'and'. A candidate must submit a single application for a category and post.
It is primarily responsible for recruiting personnel and administrative work ( "C") required to Ajmer, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Bikaner divisions Northwest Railway and Kota division of West Central Railway. It is the recruitment in Group C '- TTE, Assistant Station master (ASM), secretary, Goods Guard, Loco Pilot, Traffic, etc apprentice
To learn about opportunities, job applicants are recommended to go by the fame of national news papers, Employment News and also visit the official website of RRB Ajmer. Indeed, today the labor demand is gradually increasing in the railways, so messages from different positions are often published in newspapers and news the official website.
What candidates need to do is follow the declarations on a regular basis, as there are many cases of fraud in the work station, brokers are trying to confuse applicants who provide false assurances to work on the railroad. So beware of them and to better follow the news papers and the official website. The official address of Railways Recruitment Board Ajmer below. Applicants who have applied for jobs advertised in Group C this board can investigate and find the income statement and admit card using the information and links below: