Normally this can include "the most exclusive Golf Cart World" with Tiger Woods, but it certainly has more important things on his mind at the moment. Moreover, the Cadillac, which was supposed to be the world standard, not Buick that owning a car, after which they must Woods. So who are the intended Garia? I honestly have no idea. Perhaps well-to-players who wish to transfer their Frenemies at the local country club? Anyhow, supposedly the Garia "is built to the highest standards for the automotive industry. Included in the kit, says the manufacturer, is a double wishbone front suspension, a drive train built by the company that makes gearboxes and stamped aluminum Ducati home in the same company that provide Aston Martin, Jaguar and Volvo.
Within the comfortable framework of a golf cart is built into the fridge to keep your beverages nice and chilled with a couple of cup holders strategically placed. Automotive Valmet, which brings together the Porsche Boxster and Cayman, with the upcoming Fisker Karma, the creators of the Garia. From 2010, the manufacturer promises that Garia be street-legal in the countries and low speed of the vehicle after it was officially presented at the Geneva Motor Show in March. Price? $ 17,499 or € 13999, plus tax and delivery.